Matek F405-HDTE F4 Flight Controller 30.5x30.5mm
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Matek F405-HDTE F4 Flight Controller 30.5x30.5mm
- STM32F405 has 1MB flash which can run ArduPilot/INAV/BetaFlight
- InvenSense the 3rd generation IMU ICM42688-P
- 9-60V(3~12S LiPo) wide input voltage and voltage sense. and a 9~16V BEC for DJI OSD or analog VTX.
- 8motors+3servos in INAV/BF multirotor mixer.
- 2x SH1.0_8pin connector for PnP with 2x 4in1 ESC
- 1x SH1.0_6pin connector for PnP with HD System(Caddx Vista & Air Unit)
- USB pin breakout for connecting to external USB adapter.
- MCU: STM32F405RGT6
- IMU: ICM42688-P
- Baro: SPL06-001 (I2C)
- Blackbox: 16M-byte Flash memory
- 6x UARTs, 1x Softserial_Tx option
- 12x PWM outputs (8x Dshot)
- 1x I2C
- 4x ADC (VBAT, Current, RSSI, Airspeed)
- 2x PINIO
- 2x SH1.0_8pin connector for 4in1 ESC
- 1x SH1.0_6pin connector for HD System(Caddx Vista & Air Unit)
- 3x LEDs for FC STATUS (Blue, Green) and 3.3V indicator(Red)
- 9~16V(Vxs) output ON/OFF switchable
- Dual analog camera signal switchable
- Input: 9~60V (3~12S LiPo)
- BEC: 5V 1.5A
- BEC: Vx, 9~16V/1~2A (3S IN/9V 2A, 4S IN/12V 2A, 6S IN/16V 2A, 8S IN/16V 1.5A, 12S IN/16V 1A)
- Battery Voltage Sensor: 1K:20K (INAV scale 2100, BF scale 210)
- No Current Sensor built-in, supports external current sensor of PDB/4in1
- ArduPilot: MatekF405-TE
- BetaFlight: MATEKF405TE
- Mounting: 30.5 x 30.5mm, Φ4mm with Grommets Φ3mm
- Dimensions: 36 x 36 x 5 mm
- Weight: 7g
- 1x FC F405-HDTE
- 6x Silicon grommets M4 to M3
- 1x SH1.0_8pin cable 5cm, 2x SH1.0_8pin connectors
- 1x SH1.0_6pin to GH1.25_8pin cable 8cm for HD System(Caddx Vista & Air Unit)
- F405-HDTE has INAV fw preloaded for QC
- Support musical tone alarm with 5V passive buzzer
- Download latest ArduPilot firmware from HERE.
- With INAV firmware, DSHOT can not work on S3, S5,S7 because of DMA clash, pls use ONESHOT or MULTISHOT and calibrate ESC PWM range.
- Support 5V passive buzzer
- Download INAV firmware 4.1.x from our website.
- If using 5V passive buzzer, CLI “set beeper_frequency = 2500”
- MATEKF405TE target was supported since BF4.3 RC3.
- set dshot_bitbang = ON when using X6 and X8 DSHOT,
- You may download BF 4.3 directly from BF configurator, BF 4.2.x from our website (click “Firmwares” button at upper right corner)
- Barometer SPL06-001 is not supported by Betaflight.
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